About HerkoCoomans.network

Herkocoomans.network is the online playgound for my personal website and other online projects. I love to play with and on the interwebz, ever since we got ourselves a 14k4 baud modem in 1993.


14k4 baud modem (ca 1993)

I’ve played around with many content management systems, like XOOPS, ImpressCMS, ExpressionEngine and some others, before settling down with WordPress (0.9 I think!). WordPress is a world class open source system, which means that anyone can contribute to its development.

I’ve also dabbled in (X)HTML (yes, I’m that old), CSS and a smidge of JavaScript, but I’m far from a programmer. I’ve recently started learning to set up and maintain my own server, which has been educational.

This whole network runs on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) powered by TransIP. The server configuration and management to run a network of WordPress powered sites is made easier using SpinupWP.

So, on the homepage of this site you’ll find links to all the other websites and projects in the herkocoomans.network, making it the central hub.

Have fun, be nice 🙂